I Love Tulip. – Tonami –

Special Content– Try Growing Tulips –

1) How to Select Bulbs

Bulbs selection is the first step for growing tulips.
Although the price depends on the type of tulips and the product form, one bulb usually costs between 100 to 200 yen.
The tulip bulbs of Tonami are high-quality bulbs – they are heavy and solid, and free from dents, bruises and cuts. It is a lot of fun to look for desired bulbs while imagining the time when the flowers bloom in spring.

Trivial informationIs there such a thing as premium bulbs?

Tulip bulbs with added value cost two to three times more than the price of common bulbs. These bulbs include rare tulips that are produced in small amounts such as Hatsuzakura (the first cherry blossoms) and Harutenshi (spring angel), those that bloom in a special form such as the multi-layered bloom type Ice Cream, and those with unusual colors like the white and blue Sapphire.

Hatsuzakura (the first cherry blossoms) and Harutenshi (spring angel)

2) How to Plant Bulbs

In order for bulbs to grow robustly, we must prepare a good growing environment for the bulbs. While any type of planting mix available at DIY shops and garden centers are suitable as the planting soil, thoroughly mix the planting mix with a fertilizer before planting bulbs.
When planting the bulbs in a planter or a pot, place the bulbs in the soil about 15cm above the bottom. When planting multiple bulbs, the bulbs should be spaced at a distance equal to the space needed to plant two or three bulbs. Cover the bulbs with about 10cm of soil to complete the planting process.

Planting in pots,Planting in flowerbeds

Trivial informationPlanting in pots vs. planting in flowerbeds: Which is better?

There are differing advantages to planting tulips in planters/pots and planting them directly into the ground as flowerbeds.
Tulips can be grown at apartment balconies and other limited spaces by planting them in planters or pots. Also, tulips planted by this method can be moved to any desired place for display. However, the flowers may not grow well in certain containers because of the limited space for the roots to grow.
You can expect tulips to grow well when they are planted in flowerbeds as they will become rooted in the soil well. However, they do not grow well in poor-draining soil and at times they are eaten by moles and mice. Check the conditions of the flowerbed well before planting bulbs.

Short noteWhen do I plant tulip bulbs?

Plant tulip bulbs at peak fall foliage. The roots of the bulbs grow rapidly and robustly when the temperatures are between 12 to 15 degrees Celsius. The bulbs will not grow well in soils with temperatures of 20 degrees Celsius and above because the roots will not grow well. For this reason, plant tulip bulbs when it starts to feel cold.

Trivial informationCan tulips grow in regions with bitter cold weather?

In regions where winter is bitter cold, plant tulip bulbs at least by mid-October. When needles of ice cover the ground in the morning, the bulbs are pushed upward and at times the roots are cut off. The trick is to plant bulbs a little deep at a depth of about 15cm.

Trivial informationCan tulips grow in regions with warm weather?

When bulbs are planted in warm regions such as southern Kyushu and Okinawa, they do not grow well because the soil is too warm. Accordingly, the bulbs must experience the cold chill of winter before planting in warm regions.
Put the bulbs in a paper bag and keep them in the vegetable section of a refrigerator for two months or so. Put the bulbs in the refrigerator around fall and then plant them in early winter.
Bulbs that have been given low temperature treatment by professional growers are available from businesses in Tonami City. They adjust the delivery time for each customer.
Since the temperature of the soil tends to be warm, some tulip plants will not grow very tall or will not bloom. Please try various methods to create a good growing environment for tulips by, for example, finding a cool place or devising a good watering pattern.

3) Keep Watering Patiently until Spring

Tulips will not bloom unless they experience the cold chill for a certain period of time. Do not bring them inside during winter. Keep them outside in a dark place.
Although tulip sprouts do not grow during winter, the roots grow well. Make sure to water them every three days even during winter to prevent the surface of the soil from becoming dry.

Short noteWhat happens if I forget to water?

When the roots are still in the process of growing and wither because of water deprivation, not only will the tulip plant not bloom but in some cases the bulb will not even sprout. Once tulip roots die, they never regenerate.
Nonetheless, it is easy to forget watering when nothing is appearing above ground. We recommend planting flowers like pansies and violas near the ground where you planted tulip bulbs to make it easy to remember to water them.

4) After Tulips Bloom

As the tulip buds grow, gradually, the petals will open wide. After that, the flowers will open or remain closed depending on the changes in the morning and evening temperatures. Fully enjoy the tulips while they are flowering.
When they remain opened and the petals start to drop, snap off the flower at the tip of the stem and continue to water the plant. After the leaves and the stem completely wither and turn yellow, dig out the bulbs. A bulb will grow and bloom again if its circumference is 10cm or larger. Keep bulbs in an airy place and plant them again in fall to enjoy the next bloom.

Short noteHow can I make a bulb bloom again next year?

Once the flower blooms, the flower must be cut off immediately to prevent the nutrients of the bulb from being consumed. This enables bulbs to accumulate nutrients and as a result, the bulb size and the number of bulbs that can be planted next year can be increased.
Put the cut flowers in a vase and place it in a cool part of the room you choose to display them.。

5) A Rather Unique Way of Growing Tulips

Tulips can be grown in water if you use designated bulbs that underwent low temperature treatment like Ice Tulip and vernalized bulbs. Containers specially made for the purpose of growing tulips in water are available.
Water growing bulbs can be planted indoors immediately since they have already experienced the cold chill of winter.
Because the special container is transparent, you can watch the roots grow rapidly and robustly. Keep the container in a cool, dark place. When the water turns cloudy, change the water while making sure not to damage the roots.